Dear Youth...

Are you a Muslim? How old are you? At this age, what have you contributed to Islam?

If your age is in the range of 20 to 40, then read this. We want to show you how it is not impossible for an ordinary youth to contribute to Islam.

Aiman Azlan

A Malaysian boy in his 20s who makes videos on Youtube and writes on his blog. Just graduated from a University in Canada on November 2013 in Biology and Psychology. 
Know this guy?

Aiman Azlan Blog

You don't have to be famous to be able to spread Islam. Let us show you another personality.

Izzat Roslan

Another Malaysian boy who makes videos on Youtube and writes on blog. Apart from publishing his own videos, he had also organized a page called Mukmin Osem. This page is handled by Izzat Roslan together with his friends, intended to spread Islamic values.

'Creating Islamic, Syariah compliant contents for the Muslims especially those living in Malaysia, we would like to portray Islam the best way that we could, the osem way'

his Blog

I am a Sinner

Musa Adnan
Musa Adnan is the Founder of Muslim Youth Movement, an organisation that focuses on making a difference to the Muslim youth by exposing the reality of sins to them and making them hate sinning, he is a YouTuber that loves making videos, he is also the son of prominent Da'ee Adnan Rashid and he is on his path to seeking knowledge

These are only a few examples of youth who used IT to take part in spreading Islam. So how about you?

We wear TENT and we are proud!

Surfing the web, we found numerous false claims and accusation regarding Women in Islam. Women in Islam is said to be oppressed by having to wear hijab which they call it 'TENT'.

"They have been brain washed since birth. They get beaten if they don't wear it, by their fathers, brothers, and the 'religious' police. 
More and more are speaking up, that they don't want to wear it. 
 It has been banned in France, is in the process of being banned in Sweden, and this will continue in all free nations. If they want to wear a tent, they can go back to their 3rd world cesspools."

Reading these claims, how can we stay silence? So this post was then written to voice out how we feel as the 'Oppressed Women in Islam who wear TENT'. 

The hijab is an act of honour and dignity, an empowerment, and a guarantee that a woman will be judged according to her inner spiritual beauty rather than her outer superficial appearance. The hijab liberates and raises a woman’s status, and demands that she be judged according to her intellect rather than her sexuality. The reason Muslim women observe hijab is simply because Allah (God) made it a compulsory act of worship for them, and Allah knows what is best for His creation. 

Islam never ban women to dress beautifully while wearing TENT.

The hijab gives women the freedom to be active members of society, while maintaining their modesty. The hijab is meant for the public, as women do not have to observe hijab when they are at home with their family! 

Women in Islam are given their rights to receive education even while wearing TENT
The hijab does not symbolise suppression, oppression or silence. Rather, it is a shield guarding against degrading remarks, unwanted advances and unfair discrimination. Of all converts to Islam, 75% are women! Would you enter a religion that oppresses you? So the next time you see a Muslim woman, know that she covers her physical appearance, not her mind or intellect! 

Seeing these following pictures, we are wondering if these faces in TENT is the face of the Oppressed?

We Wear TENT and We Are  Proud!

“Oh Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not abused” [Qur'an 33:59]

Credit to: A Believer,


Muslim women must cover their aurah becauseit is enshrine in the quran surah al Ahzab verse 59 which means “they should extend to cover all their bodies so that they are more easily recognizable by people, and because of that they are not disturbed”

As muslimah, we should realized that we have responsibility over our body to take care of it according the command of Allah, the one who’s  gave us the body in the first place. Therefore, covering our aurah is a must for muslimah.

Benefit of covering aurah:
·         Covering the aurah is a symbol of piety, chastity and dignity.
·         As a tool to spread the teaching of Islam.
·         Prevention of wrong doing.
·         To simplify the daily task of woman

So, lets improve ourselve in covering aurah in order to get Allah’s blessing and pleasure. (:

 My dearest sisters, it is very simple to cover your aurah..

Dakwah through IT

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have now become the prominent features of "globalization," and are continuously reaching new levels in advancement and complexity. Information technology allows the fast spreading of news or messages. Take internet as the closest example. Every day, the number of social networks users keeps on increasing especially among the youngsters. News and rumors, either it is true or not, spread very fast through this channel. Why not use it to spread Islamic value-loaded teaching? Realizing this, many Muslim had already taken the advantage to promote Islam. In this post, we will show you how people out there use Information Technology to promote Islam.

1)  Social media 

b. Twitter

c. Instagram

2) Video 

  • Youtube

3) Television
4) Website
5) Blog


Isn't it good to have such numerous channel to do dakwah?? But don't be too happy yet.


Despite of the ease in spreading Islam along the advancement of IT, spreading fitnah about Islam is now become easy too. Be careful on what you have found on the internet. Reliability can be questioned. 

The universality of Islam, in its all embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political if not strictly military.’