Muslim women must cover their aurah becauseit is enshrine in the quran surah al Ahzab verse 59 which means “they should extend to cover all their bodies so that they are more easily recognizable by people, and because of that they are not disturbed”

As muslimah, we should realized that we have responsibility over our body to take care of it according the command of Allah, the one who’s  gave us the body in the first place. Therefore, covering our aurah is a must for muslimah.

Benefit of covering aurah:
·         Covering the aurah is a symbol of piety, chastity and dignity.
·         As a tool to spread the teaching of Islam.
·         Prevention of wrong doing.
·         To simplify the daily task of woman

So, lets improve ourselve in covering aurah in order to get Allah’s blessing and pleasure. (:

 My dearest sisters, it is very simple to cover your aurah..

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